Real Estate Agents & Investors:

Learn the three-step process to fund 100% of your projects with private money

Learn about the next Money Boot Camp

Join our next 30-day Money Boot Camp, starting May 1st, 2023, and learn how to...

More Deals &

More Profit Per Deal

Attract investors who have cash to lend

Qualify and present bulletproof deals

Structure paperwork for investors to feel safe



Real estate investors leave so much money on the table because they don't have access to funding for potential deals, which forces them to wholesale or pass on the deal.

It's not a problem if you don't have the best credit and you don't have the down payment required for hard-money or traditional loans.

That's when private money saves the day.

The 30-Day Money Boot Camp is a one-month ACTION INTENSE program that will help you secure private money for your next deal.

Consider the benefits of having private money sources...

No credit required

No cash required

100% funding for the full acquisition price, rehab, and holding costs

No monthly loan payments (interest is calculated and paid at the end of the project, when you sell)

No monthly draws or inspections for rehab costs

The same cost of money (or even less cost) than hard money loans

Step 1

Sign up for our next 30-Day Money Boot Camp.

Step 2

Join the private Facebook Group and do the work.

Step 3

Secure private money for your future deals and profit more!.


By the end of the next 30-Day Boot Camp, if you do not have a funding commitment secured ("Priority Reservation"), with Proof-of-Funds in hand, from a willing and able private lender, you will receive 100% of your program price refunded, no questions asked.



John Chin

Investor/Broker/CRIS Founder

I suspect you have some REI experience, maybe a wholesaler... or you might be an aspiring investor, trying to break into this space.

You obviously know there's big money to be made in house flipping. But you and I both know that lack of funding can hold you back from offering sellers the best terms, securing the best deals, and making the biggest profits.

As a fund manager and house-flipper myself, with over 200 privately funded flips under my belt (none required a credit check and not one penny of my personal cash went into those deals), I've developed a simple system that's allowed me to close deals faster and more efficiently than other investors competing for the same properties. It's an unfair advantage.

So why am I offering to help you... and for such a low cost?

2 reasons:

  1. If you're doing deals, there will be JV opportunities for us to make money together. So, selfishly, if you're making money on flips, it's going to help me and my family $$$...


  1. I'm actually bored of flipping houses and now find more satisfaction helping less experienced investors find, fund, and make money on their own deals.

This is the one thing in the real estate investment space I seem to do uniquely well. This topic also happens to be what newer investors and wholesalers ask me for help the most.

So I was inspired to put this together for people like you.

The 30-Day Money Boot Camp is a no-nonsense, results-driven program designed to get you the private funding you need in just 30 days.

For a mere $19 (at least for now), you'll learn how to...

💥 Qualify and present your deals to lenders, in a way that makes them feel safe to invest in your projects,

💥 Navigate the 3-step process of identifying and securing lending commitments from private lenders,

💥 Structure deals that protect all parties involved, while you maintain full control of your flips,

💥 Master the use of essential paperwork to ensure smooth transactions every time,

💥 Harness the power of weekly, live web-conferences, with myself as the presenter, to help you sell your potential private lenders,

💥 Utilize 1-on-1 Zoom sessions where I personally qualify and close private lenders on lending commitments to fund your deals.

The 30-Day Money Boot Camp isn't about empty promises or slick sales tactics. It's about empowering you with the knowledge and skills to take control of your real estate investing future.

And to prove how serious I am about delivering real results, I'm offering a 100% money-back guarantee. If you don't have a lending commitment by the end of the 30 days, you'll get a full refund. No questions asked (you'll see that it's not about the 19 bucks for me in the first place).


I'm not here to waste our time.

If you want to dive in with me, I'll pour my heart into doing whatever it takes to get your deals privately funded.

Don't let another $30k, $50k, $100k+ profit slip away due to lack of funding. Click the link below to secure your spot in our next 30-Day Money Boot Camp and start keeping the big profits on your future flips.

See you in the private Facebook Group!

To your success,

by Remi Emerson Residential

650 N. Alafaya Trail

Orlando, FL 32828

650 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32828, USA

© 2020 Remi Emerson Residential, All Rights Reserved